Stella_closeup Today I was testing out my homemade ring light with my daughter as the subject. She seems unimpressed.

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Introducing my new blog entitled the <B>DAD BOD VLOG BLOG</B> – an ever-continuing saga of the shenanigans that my baby and I get in to. Please enjoy.

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2016 marks a large milestone for me – 30 years of being on a skateboard. I started back in 1986 and it’s stuck with me all of this time. Here is a video part I put together documenting the years (and hair styles) that I’ve been a skater.

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Bye Bye Beard

Recently, I shaved my beard (so my daughter couldn’t keep pulling all the hairs out of my chin). Here is the video of the process:

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Production photo from the set.

Production photo from the set.

This past summer has been very busy for me. Mainly because my wife and I welcomed our first born into the world on June 2nd. Also, I’ve been working on sets for short films and even a feature film. I also found time (somewhere) to help shoot a National Roller Hockey tournament. I’m working on some personal projects right now but I’ve got some good paying gigs coming down the line

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, as well. So please check back here often and I’ll try to update as much as I can. Thanks!