I’ve decided to start selling some photo prints for the work I’ve been doing on documenting construction on the new Get-A-Way 2.0 skatepark in Huntsville

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, Alabama. The ribbon cutting has just happened and the Grand Opening is scheduled for September 23rd. The images here are available for sale and to help me fund my documentary on skateparks being built throughout the Country and their positive impact on communities.

Check out the collection here.

Here is a behind the scenes shot from a recent photo shoot with my daughter in the tub.Behind The Scenes in the Bathtub

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Recently I did a photo shoot with my daughter for some photos we are going to hang up on the wall. Here is a look at one of my favorites.Baby in Bath

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I ended up doing some photography inside a skateboard church over the weekend.
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Stella_closeup Today I was testing out my homemade ring light with my daughter as the subject. She seems unimpressed.

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